Apostle, Dr. Ronnie Pierce, founder and senior pastor of The Night Light House of Prayer in Monterey, TN and president of Ronnie Pierce Ministries is a dynamic speaker, inventive leader and wonderful resource of faith. He is sought after from a wide variety of people ranging from Hollywood actors, recording artists, Christian leaders and local parishioners alike. He operates in the miraculous and always brings joy and blessings everywhere he goes. He answered the call of God on his life at a early age and became known to many as "that kid healing evangelist" whose ministry in Song and the spoken Word is powerful, God-given, and has changed countless lives from around the world.
Ronnie was born again at the age of seven (March 1972) behind an old woodshed as his mother, Ms. JoAnna Pierce, led him in the sinner's prayer following a supernatural visitation where Jesus came to him calling him into an end-time deliverance ministry. A Baptist youngster at the time, Ronnie found himself hungering for more. On November 5, 1978, at the age of fourteen, Ronnie received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4). Immediately upon receiving this wonderful promise the Gifts of the Spirit (1Corinthians 12:8-10) began fluently moving in and through this yielded vessel with phenomenal healings, miracles, signs and wonders, and a prophetic ministry with pinpoint accuracy, profound wisdom, and a discernment that far surpassed his years.
Ronnie's testimony is a personal witness to the healing power of God. He grew up regarding himself as the black sheep of the family (as did many others). With even less than no self-esteem or self-worth, faced constantly by enormous mountains of rejection, he distanced himself from life and prayed for death! Overcome by depression, tired of the fight, he endured what seemed unbearable.
Suffering mental torment and physical anguish seemed to be a way of life for Ronnie. There were growths and lesions on various parts of his body, spinal deformities from birth, emotional disorders, liver malfunctions, and the discomfort of nine surgeries. What the surgeons couldn't see were the scars and the shame of unwelcome childhood abuses buried deep within the heart.
The only answer to be found came from the Word of God which said, "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." (Mt. 19:26) With faith in God, Ronnie attended a healing service where Mickey Jordan, a widely acclaimed healing evangelist/author and powerful woman of God, brought forth the Word of God with signs following! As she spoke by the Spirit, she spoke prophetically of someone there who would receive their healing and that the same power that flowed through her hands into the people would go into this person's body and that as they received their healing, God would anoint them to go out and do a great and mighty work for Him. The next thing he knew, she was standing in front of him but before the tip of her anointed finger could touch his forehead, he was slain in the Spirit. What felt like liquid light was being poured into him full force. Sure enough, he was made whole by the healing power of God and without delay, miracles began happening all around him. People were seeking him out for special prayer which opened wide the doors of ministry for this young minister in his early teenage years.
With the supernatural power of God mightily at work in his life, he was thrust into full-time ministry as the needs of the people proposed a demand on the gifts in his life. It was no surprise that his first sermon was entitled "I Am Persuaded!", from Romans 4:21 which says, "And being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to perform." Ronnie Pierce is fully persuaded! He has a tremendous impact on all who hear him. He can and does stir others to reach for God's best....because he does, to rise and be healed....because he did, and to be victorious over all the power of the enemy....because he is.
Ronnie displays a very unique and uncommon honesty, mixed with integrity, humility, and a good sense of humor. These qualities combined with the Gifts of the Spirit which operate in and through him make him a very rare and special gift. Ronnie would rather be ‘Something’ … and not be called ‘it’; than to be called ‘it’ … but not really be ‘it’!
Known far and wide for the countless thousands of lives he has touched with compassion, strength, understanding, and healing, Ronnie is loyal and generous in his labors of love, always meeting each life with sincerity and grace.
From humble beginnings to being one of today's most in-demand speakers, he has ministered with many of the greatest Christian leaders of our day and appeared on numerous television shows which includes recognition and appearances on many mainline TV shows and in top selling magazines. He began in ministry as a singing evangelist / recording artist whose records and cd's have circulated far and wide and have received airplay on radio stations around the world.
In 1993, Ronnie co-founded the Dack Rambo Healing Foundation with his best friend, the late actor Dack Rambo, which is an outreach to those battling a life threatening illness such as: cancer, HIV+, addiction, and victims of abuse. The Dack Rambo Healing Foundation is an outreach of Ronnie Pierce Ministries and continues to reach many with the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ronnie's life having been one of full-time ministry from age seven when God called him to evangelize the world with signs, wonders, and miracles, to pastoring the church he founded, to mentoring new up and coming ministers, instructing at New Life Bible College / Norvel Hayes Ministries (2014-2016) and also conducting 'Dr. Ronnie Pierce Healing Services' monthly at his home church, throughout the United States and abroad where miracles, healings, and deliverances are commonplace.
Ronnie appreciates any and every opportunity which enables him to touch lives with the uncompromising Word of Faith, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the unconditional love he has for all humanity. If you would be interested in having Ronnie come and minister to your church or Christian event, you may contact him with your "Request for Booking"

Apostle, Dr. Ronnie Pierce is an Ordained Apostle -Ordained into Apostleship on Sunday, December 3, 2023 by Apostle Jason Kopta, His For Life Ministries, Inc., Avon Park, FL
September 2018 – Present
Dr. Ronnie Pierce is also a proud Sponson & Presenter of ‘Wheelchair Bodybuilding’; presenting awards at the The Olympia (Joe Weider) and the Arnold Classic Festival (Arnold Schwarzenegger) for WHEELCHAIR BODYBUILDING,
(wheelchairbodybuilding.com) Nick Scott, CEO/PRESIDENT & FOUNDER.
2024 PowerHouse Ministries, Inc. Hermitage, TN
Psychotherapy and Chaplaincy Ministry
Certificate of Completion
2024 Anchor of the Soul Ministries, Inc. New York, NY
Certified Psychotherapist & Certified Chaplain Certificate of Completion
2016 New Life Bible College
Cleveland, TN
Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Theology
2015 Rhema Correspondence Bible School
Broken Arrow, OK
Certificate of Completion
2014 Global University aka Berean School of the Bible
Springfield, MO
Diploma – Pastoral Ministry
2014 New Life Bible College
Cleveland, TN
Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry
2014 Saint Thomas Christian University
Jacksonville, FL
Master Life Coaching Certification
2005 Saint Thomas Christian College
Jacksonville, FL
Doctor of Divinity
1982 Overcoming Faith Bible Training Center
Crowley, TX - Jerry Savelle Ministries
The Night Light House of Prayer
Monterey, TN
Apostle, Senior Pastor, Founder, CEO April 2023 - present
Monterey Worship Center, Inc
Monterey, TN
Senior Pastor/President/Founder 2005 – April 2023
Master Life Coach
2014 – present
Tour Leader to Israel
2016 – present
New Life Bible College
Norvel Hayes Ministries
Cleveland, TN
Professor 2014 - 2016
Dack Rambo Healing Foundation
Earlimart, CA
Co Founder/Vice President 1992 – 1995
1995 – present The Dack Rambo Healing Foundation merged with Ronnie Pierce Ministries
Ronnie Pierce Ministries, Inc
Monterey, TN
Founder & President 1978 – present